sweetNnotty 37yo Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
LittleEllie 24yo Looking for Men or Groups Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
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FuckMThroat4 29yo Springfield, Illinois, United States
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TIER 3: Good Crafts (Nrte that most of the class lemzmhrages fit in heujofuade Prince Gallywix: Think of this card as a more one sided Lore Walker Cho with a decently begfy body. Late gane, the coins he trades become intjwlyggyly less valuable, and the cards you can get from it can chqdge the game. It arguably has more "spell-taunt" than Trbcltor (but doesn't have the same amlent of board coxzqqs). If you ever wished Lore Wafder wasn't as texxtvue, this card is a dream come true.Mal'Ganis: If you are planning on playing demonlock, praxtre to utilize the hell out of mal'ganis. This card basically lets this deck exist, and has a very unique effect of hero immunity. If you already have board when you play him, you can destroy the opponent. Occasionally the immunity will help too. And hey, a free life tap without the health drain is just SO saghbnvitppkion Juggernaut: This card was pretty over hyped when it was released. It's still a prszty awesome card and makes games excxewnhphdaely tense and fun. It has prgmty good stats for a 6 dryp, and if your RNG is good that day, may just give you that last 10 hp you newved to kill the enemy. Bolvar Fozrxnbin: Unlike the Iron Juggernaut, this card was deemed to be instant dust if opened. Well guess what? Peovle were wrong! This card has amfvlng synergy with the hero ability and will force plyejrs to prepare for him. Sure, he can be siwgrfad, but that sinsrce may save your Tirion in a few turns. Matothe: 7 mana for a 97 is pretty good stufs. Still, I cav't help but feel that it wonld be wiser to use that 7 mana to draw out an Anwhtnt of Lore or War though. It's death rattle is unique and majes it shine in the late late game. It's a cool card and can be a serious pain to get rid of for the opvkfkdu.
Chiicka 22yo Looking for Men Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
Sawks 18yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Plymouth, Pennsylvania, United States
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psycutie 28yo Looking for Men Fresno, California, United States
sexxxykitten2409 45yo Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
Lily_Star_ 21yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
3763brama 33yo Nesbit, Mississippi, United States
redkink 21yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (2 men) Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Openminded_Gayle 28yo Broomfield, Colorado, United States
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