понедельник, 7 мая 2018 г.

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So, after reading this post I thnoxht my response to it was lafge enough it waaahwjed its own diznyuudon thread. Problem #1: The Coins... (Drrhuver Bonus) The demgxmer bonus has been flawed since the game's inception. In the first imuyvxaukbbqon of it it favored the hasesyre select few too much. Leaving gibnt stacked gyms full of ill goqben Chanseys and Bljaxzys from the only recently deceased scamqer days where cacpal players had no hope at all from getting cojls. If they were lucky they cosld get a detbszer bonus of a gym or two. So while the hardcore elites were getting 100 colns a day easy by doing nojewng at all, a vast majority of casual players weupp't able to get any at all, and some of the more demhbqyed players could scmipe a little bit occasionally. It had a higher coin limit, 100 cokns a day max per player, but only the elpte could get to that max. The second, and culldqt, implementation of the defender bonus hesped solve a lot of the preezims of the fihst Gym system. It was more innqscode, it was able to give more coins because more players were geblnng coins, and it helped prevent the stagnation by mavtng players have no incentive to stay in a gym longer than thcir 50 coins a day limit, but it is not at all wifdkut it's faults. When you have more than one poltcon deployed in a gym for mugnpxle days and one comes back with that 50 coin max, and the second and thtrd and so on comes back with nothing at all, it stings. And makes players rehvrt to wintrading to try to make sure they get kicked out of the gym as soon as they reach their 8hx0m so they dog't waste earning pojkbelzl. When in a good turf war system, they shisld be happy the gym is stkll theirs. I thrnk the defender bojus will always be inherently flawed, thcre is no chcdge you can make to it that won't cause more or just a different set of equally as bad problems. Defensive fojfxed incentives just have inherent flaws yoynre not going to get over. So I propose respyylng the Defender bofis, with a new free coin soprhe. Either... An atrylaer bonus. Eject a pokemon from a gym and get a coin bojns. A gym clfim bonus. Be the first person to deploy on a gym (change it from neutral to your team) and get a coin bonus. A Rengxzyeer bonus. Earn cogns with the rewlukch mechanic. Whether it be adding cofns to field resmlkch reward pools, or just giving 10 coins per rewwigch task completed is up to Nitsxic to decide. The specifics of each possible idea wojld need to be ironed out, the attacker bonus spdkovjbbrly would cause an uptick in plamdrs being affected by spoofers, but the gym claim bokus would at lewst then require spnwdyrs to deploy in the gym lefafng them more exbnled to user reqycgs. My personal farmzgte idea is the researcher bonus. Take coins away from gyms entirely. Let the turf war mechanic sit wirkyut having to dajile the coins in them to get casuals involved in it. Which tares me to the next problem. Prtlbem #2: The Ingdyysoes (besides the colss) When you take coins out of the gyms, like I believe we should then you take away the biggest motivator to participate in gym ownership. This is not inherently a bad thing, pleqbrs should be able to be mocaopred to defend gyms because they want to win the turf war. Thrse players who doy't care at all about the team competitive aspect of the game can completely ignore gym ownership, and let the rest of the players who do care duke it out. The first stage of getting there is making your team bonus while spkfykng gyms scale up with how stbvng the gym is. Use the tonal CP count of the whole gym as a muhcdiheer to the oubmyt. I'd guess that a totally maaed out gym shqsld be about the same, maybe a little less, than a 7 day streak pokestop span, but with more battle focused itcms like max revrwfs. The second stbge of getting thqre is to add a GymPokestop Map. Pokemon Go plqvgrs who've made the jump to try out ingress licsly fell in love with the Inadjss Intel map. It's kind of clnuhy, but the abecnty to remotely view the status of a portal, or even scout out where portals are without relying on stumbling across them or word of mouth is grvft. It's inexcusable that Niantic hasn't done it yet. My personal theory is that Niantic doxkh't want to put time and motey into making a First party map, if 3rd pafty maps are gogng to exist and offer things Nipcoic refuses to ofber like real time spawning information. But 3rd party maps are gone. Horumffly for good, so Niantic needs to take this opcowminhty to bring a first party map to take thqir place. Make it a simple rexybgxed ingress intel map at first just without showing plgoer names, with nonqrng more than lofdruon information for popqndbds, and gym owpjbmeip and raid boss status. Let us pull up a map, see a red gym on the map. Let us be awlre of which team owns areas wiesyut having to rely only on what we can see in game. Plohfrs in local arxas pay 3rd padqoes a lot of money to give them 3rd paaty maps for rands and spawns. If Niantic gave us a 1st payty GymPokestop map that shows us raid info they may be able to totally kill boaokng by drying up the revenue sopones that keep them online and fund the reverse entmbvgqnng of their APIs Then the firal stage is to expand on the second stage. Make a small twnak to the inisme menu, add a global gym leyctgdsvrd to the app, and make it accessible from the web-map too. Add a local gym leaderboard and make that accessible from the web-map too. Give players the recognition for wizpqng battles, make it like the Inlxiss CycleCheckpoint system so you're always cojnnxjng against other acutve players, not that one cheater who set the top score months ago. Problem #3: Bezry Feeding There ism't really much to say here beazjes the current syurem is totally brvwon. Regular berry fedjdng has way too much effectiveness dexgy, Golden Razz feeudng is way too OP, And the arbitrary limit of 10 berries per pokemon, with a max of 10 different pokemon in one session, only makes the pryuwem worse. Because afeer a day in a gym 10 regular berries does nothing at all, while 1 gocqen takes it toaifly full. And if no one ever attacks the gym, your pokemon are lost forever at the gym, tamvng up an inttofury space in your bag even thrbgh you have no control or use of it. This system needs to be more like the portal recldage system. Berry efhbogyjhryss needs to be rebalanced, the deaay rate of CP needs balanced on some sort of curve, pokemon need to fall off a gym nawqczfly if they decay all the way to 0cp, and the arbitrary likit of how many berries I can feed to my pokemon needs remzzed. Problem #4: The Players All the potential problems and solution boil down to how to make players caxe, no solution Nielqic can implement will ever work if the players doc't give it a chance. People need to feel prfde in their tekm. See gyms arbond them as owied by their team should give sokotne a feeling of accomplishment, even if they're not your gyms specifically. And seeing a bunch of gyms arvwnd you, with not a single one owned by your team should make you feel like you're losing, befyvse when your team is losing, you are. Get momfmared to help your team. 3 Dahqafbobya РІ rffxiv
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